Sunday 2 June 2013

A trip to Museum Bank Malaysia

 1st June 2013, Saturday

Research Trip to Awesome Museum Bank Malaysia for Dynamic Interactivity 

Some displayed materials that people exchanged in System Barter during ancient time.

Interactive Game for visitors to play 

Can you believe these STONE-LIKE things were once used as MONEY ?

These small little tiny things are TOKEN for gambling purpose. Look like buttons for me :P

"Crocodile shaped ingots were associated with the strength and
of the crocodile,
said to able to attract TIN to a new mine. "

Look like Beetles to me at the first sight! BUT IT'S ELEPHANT!

"They are symbols of strength, usually buried under the Main Pillar
of the Kongsi house located near the mine
to extended the productive life of a mine."

Cockerel-shaped Ingot

An educational purpose installation 

WELL! Here come the China and the most familiar coins that I knew or watched in China dramas.

Wonder what is that thing on the right?
It is a COIN BELT.
I am wondering WHOSE waist will be that small and able to wear it... = = 

Kettle :D 

More related to my hometown..
A gong which I am surprised to see CRABS (one of my favorite seafoods) on it. :P

Gold Dust and Nugget
A popular medium of exchange among merchants

Currency Notes of the Board of Commissioners of Currency Malaya
The size of these notes are A5 size! Imagine how big is it!

Private Currency Tokens of Perak
Display of First to Fifth Series of Malaysia Banknotes
Here comes the FIFTH series which are SOOOO colorful~


Dizzy SPIRAL Stairs and I got hit on my backhead badly that day.. ARGHHHHhhhh

Once, there is an awesome lecturer, Mr.Anderson said:" TOUCH those PAINTINGS."
So I touched!!! YeeeHeeeeeheeee!!! The feeling was AWESOMEEEEeeee!!!

Love the texture of Arcylic Paint! <3

Batik Art

Pastel Art
One of my favorite Art pieces! Windy feel~~~ Huuuhuuuu~~

Mixed media Art


Mixed Media

Acrylic ART again :D

Still not forget to SS here :P
Peaceful Terrace (Acrylic)

See these Awesome Details and Texturesssssssss..... OH MY GOD.....

Peaceful, Nice, Modern place

Tron Style Interactive Installation 

Technical Equipment behind the installation

The light Refracted and Projected onto the Glass

In progress Area

Money tunnel 

Scanned whatever you like BUT not more than RM1000,000!

Kid's interactive Installation 

Sketching area for kids

Copping Machine

Pull-able Drawers 

A big Board Game Map at the Ground floor!

The first impression that I had towards the museum is It looks like a high class Hotel.
No doubt. Very relaxing and peaceful environment. 

There were 4 main area that I had visited, the most entertaining area would be 
the Kids Gallery and Art Gallery.

The most curious display would be the Money TUnnel. I wonder how they put all the money inside. hahaha

Overall the learning experience is really inviting and engaging.
However, the installation of interactive media in the historical and Currency gallery 
are less attractive than Kid's Gallery. 
 And I hope there are some installation in Art Gallery too. 

I think the net generation would share to their friends like I did. 
I did shared my experience to my family and housemate on that day. 
I shared about the interactive media and technology that the museum had used.
At first, I still thought it would be a boring trip but turned out to be quite awesome.
Oh, I also share the art form and pieces that I really like. 
That was the area I stayed for a longer period compare to others.

5 Questions:

1st: What caused the change from System Barter to Notes Exchange?

2nd: Why Bank Malaysia changing the design of the notes from 4th Series to 5th Series and Who is the designer?

3rd: Where the money process? 

4th: For 5th Series Malaysia Notes, what is the color stand for each notes?

5th: Is the material for making coins turn lousy? Compare between 5th Series Coins to Earlier Series.